I 'm an International Results Coach, Trainer and Transformational Speaker, and have been involved in Self-Development Support & Training for more than 20 years.

Believing in the extraordinary Potential of the Human Being, strongly based on my own deep Experiential Processes and surpassed Challenges, Leading by Example and with an enormous Passion for what I do, I strongly advocate for Excellence and Continuous Improvement, investing a lot in my own Personal Development, always choosing Top Quality Training… and creating the opportunity to model the Best in the World and having them as a My Reference.

My Mission is… Being a Change Catalyst! Participate in Innovating Projects! Inspire & Contribute to an accomplished Dream! Be a part of a Personal or Professional challenge transformed into Victory! ...Making a Difference!!!


My first 9 years of schooling were in Private English Schools, and then I attended a Public School until I went to College.

I took two years of "Chemical Engineering" and even thou I liked it, I was maybe "too creative" and also felt the need to develop other "natural skills" so I decided to change Courses and pursuit Graphic Design & Communication, where I took a Masters Degree.

Even with a life conviction that "I didn't like to study", my thirst for knowledge was (and still is) unending so I never stopped, and until today I've invested many hours, and many many thousand euros, in High Skilled Training & Certifications with the Best Trainers & Professionals in the World.

I'm an Internationally Certified Master Life & Executive Coach, NLP Master and a Social Mental Panorama Consultant.
I also have Qualified Training and Certifications in Personal Branding & Marketing, Public Speaking, Jungian Psychology, Psychological and Transpersonal Astrology, Healing Therapies amongst many others.
I Believe I'll be Thirsty of Knowledge until the last day of my Life... and Beyond!!!


Since I was very young, there was something entrepreneurial and creative about me and my Parents encouraged it in a way that I learnt the "value of things" and how to work to get what I want ...So, since I was 6 that I found ways to earn my "pocket money"!

I started my first real job when I was 16, and while studying I've always worked, giving me an extraordinary experience in many areas and a notion of the "Real Life", as well as learning about economical freedom.

After College and Getting my Master's Degree, I've worked as a Graphic Designer in Publishing Companies, Creative Director in Advertising & Media Companies, while doing many things in the Events & PR sector.

At the same, since then I've dedicated a considerable part of my time to Pro-Bono Counselling & Coaching of Unprivileged Teenagers and in Addiction Recovery Centers, and more recently to young entrepreneurs and striving single mothers.

Amongst many Projects, I've been the Representative and All Cities Leader of “First Tuesday” (Worldwide Network for Entrepreneurs and Investors) in Portugal, since 1999, and due to my work and being responsible for importing the Concept of Networking, and the massive impact and results it achieved, I was acknowledged by GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) as one of the Top Entrepreneurship References in Portugal.

After many and and Diversified Working Experiences, I founded my first Company in the Design, PR and Event Planning Business in 2000, and by developing new Professional Skills and finding a deep vocation as a Results Coach, I've Created, in the beginning of 2012, my current Company "Action For Success", dedicated to Coaching, Consulting & Training.

"Some people see things as they are
and say 'Why?'
I dream things that never were and say
'Why not?'"

George Bernard Shaw


Probably the greatest reason "Why I Do What I Do" is because I'm living proof that we humans are resilient, stronger and deeply wiser than we can ever imagine possible, and by overcoming many hard challenges and deep painful issues that affect, one way or another, all of us humans, that became an undeniable fact.

Through many years of Personal Development, a vast range of Techniques and Therapies, living the processes first hand, expanding my consciousness and learning practical resources that really get Results, and being able to separate through my own personal experience what works with what... and what doesn't, I learnt how to overcome and transform whatever is happening, or has happened, into an amazing Power and priceless Wisdom, and became a Survivor... and even more important... a Thriver!

I believe, and Life has shown me, that I can be a beacon of hope, a living example and inspiration for so many that find themselves in the same, or very similar situations and feel blocked or lost.
Now, after many years of Specific & Certified Training, thousands of practise hours, having the Best in the World as my Trainers & Role Models, using my own skills of creative thinking, strategic thought and profound intuition and getting Fast, Practical & Successful Results, I have the Privilege to dedicate myself to my own Passion & Life's Purpose of Helping Others to do the same and Live Happy, Fulfilled... and with Passion!


parallax background



  • Life & Executive Coaching
  • High Skills Training
  • Leadership Development
  • Change Management
  • Communication Skills
  • Strategic Planning
  • Creative Thinking
  • Motivational Skills
  • Team Building
  • Time Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Negotiation
  • Networking
  • Personal Branding
  • Strategic Intervention
  • Public Speaking
  • Change Catalyst
  • …Amongst Others.





Public Speaking


Contribution (ProBono & Volunteer Work)


  • Create a valuable Confidential Space to Work with You
  • Give You a higher consciousness of Yourself, Your Potential and Resources.
  • Help You to Become Your Authentic Self
  • Lead You to greater insights into What You Really Want to Achieve
  • Help You Formulate Success Goals aligned with Your Values
  • Connect the Dots
  • Give You Imparcial and Assertive Feedback
  • Find Clarity and the Answers from within Yourself
  • Help You Overcome Blockages & Fears
  • Be a Catalyst of Your Empowerment, Self Esteem & Well-Being
  • Develop a Strategic Action Plan to Reach Your Goals
  • Get You from where You Are, to where You Want To Be
  • Work and develop on Your Intrinsic Motivation vs. External Motivation
  • Develop Your Skills and Resourcefulness
  • Develop Your Communication & Public Speaking Skills
  • Better Your Productivity & Time Management
  • Help You Create a Personal Brand
  • Create Momentum for Change & Continuous Improvement
  • To be more Accountable to Yourself and Others
  • Develop Leaders for the Next Level of Leadership
  • Develop Customised Professional Leadership Skills
  • Manage Personal & Professional Relationships
  • Take You from Good to Excellent!!!

Want to Make a Change & Get Results???